What 10th Place on Product Hunt Did for My Free Product

26 May 2024
26 May 2024
2 min read

In my continued quest to figure out how marketing works for aicoverletter.com, I decided to launch on Product Hunt for the first time. However, to avoid the pressure of launching a paid product, I created a completely new, free product: knockknockjokesforkids.com.

Launching a free product provided a great opportunity to measure conversion rates and traffic. Each “visit” on my website is counted when someone hits the random joke button, so I found that unique visitors offer a better metric for overall performance. All metrics are sourced from the excellent tinylittics.app.

Key Results and Insights

Traffic Spike: As expected, there was a significant spike in traffic on the Product Hunt launch day, with a maximum of 208 unique visitors. This spike gradually normalized over the following weeks, with most days seeing fewer than 10 unique visitors. Daily Traffic Average Traffic: On average, the site received approximately 17 unique visitors per day. However, traffic varied widely, reflecting the initial surge and subsequent decline. Product Hunt Referrals: After the initial spike, approximately 43% of visits referenced Product Hunt, indicating a significant portion of traffic was driven by the platform. Percentage of Traffic sent from Product Hunt

Tips for a Successful Product Hunt Launch

Engage in Conversations: Participating in discussions on Product Hunt for a few weeks before the launch was incredibly beneficial. I asked questions, commented on threads, and gained followers, which helped increase upvotes.

Join Launch Day Conversations: On launch day, participate in threads like “Who is launching this month?” to promote your product.

Offer Discounts for Paid Products: While not applicable for my free product, offering a discount can be a great strategy for paid products.

Final Thoughts

Breaking into the top 10 on Product Hunt was a huge accomplishment, especially for someone with no following and a spontaneous launch. This experience was invaluable for understanding the dynamics of launching a product and marketing it effectively.

Overall, it was a great experience that helped me overcome the initial hurdles of launching. If you’re considering a Product Hunt launch, these insights and tips can guide you towards a successful debut.

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